Hey there, volunteer!

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Need to take a break?

We welcome that! All of our volunteers are encouraged to keep their mental health as the top priority, even when that means stepping back and taking a break from actively serving. Please use the form below to notify us so we’re all on the same page.

Is your time volunteering with us coming to a close?

Aww, we hate to see you go, but we’re excited to send you off to whatever new opportunities are next for you! That said, we don’t want you to go without having the opportunity to say a great big “thank you” for the time and passion you gave our organization. So, when you feel it’s time to move on, use this form to let us know!

Need to get in touch?

As a volunteer, we always want you to know that you have access to reach our team with any questions you may have along your journey! Nothing is too small or silly, and we love hearing from you. Don’t be a stranger! Anna or Ashlee will gladly be in touch.